Physical address: 1 Esplanade Drive, Roof Terrace, #04-01, The Esplanade
Web address: http://www.orgo.sg/
The view from the Esplanade Roof Terrace (take escalator to level 3, then climb stairs to roof terrace) is excellent enough to put you in a good mood. Just choose a non-rainy day. :-) If I had known of this place earlier, I would be here to catch the fireworks every Saturday night in the month of July, as Singapore rehearsed for the National Day Parade on 9 Aug.
Besides food (see website for preview of menu), this restaurant cum bar specialises in "mixology cocktail" made from fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
By virtue of its location on top of the Esplanade, with stunning view of firework displays (in past recent weeks), this restaurant has held special events, including a "YOG Closing Ceremony Party".
Some food reviews of this place can be found in below website: